Frame description

Cognizer holds a particular Opinion, which may be portrayed as being about a particular Topic.


1. Die Studenten meinendie Kosten des Studiums sind zu hoch.1. The students think the costs of studying are too high.
2. Wie findet ihr den Film?2. How do you all find the movie? [What do you all think of the movie?]
3. Jeder hier hat den unbedingten Glaubendass seine Sprache die schönste sei.3. Everybody here has the absolute belief that their language is the most beautiful.

Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The person who has the Opinion.


The Cognizer's way of thinking, which is not always generally accepted. The Opinion is typically dependent on the Cognizer's point of view.


The Topic is the subject of the Cognizer's Opinion (i.e. about what the Cognizer has an Opinion).


How strong (or weak) the Cognizer's belief in the Opinion is.